SURVIVOR 28 EP.7 RECAP: “You can’t even tell if she’s a pillow or a person”


Hey guys, welcome to another recap of our mostest most favourite show, Survivor!


The episode starts with Spencer going at it with Kass. Yeah, I’m team Spence on this one guys. Kass plays too emotionally for my liking. “She’ll go wherever her estrogen takes her” Hilarious! (Seriously, the one-liners this season is top notch! That’s why my titles are mostly quotes 🙂 ) Kass thinks that although she pissed off 5 people, she gained 5 friends. Really? C’mon Kass, those 5 “friends” don’t even trust you after seeing you easily flip on your alliance. She may go to final 3, but she will not win. Mark my words folks.


Reward Challenge looks amazing. There’s a net see-saw! I mean, you can’t go wrong with a net see-saw! After a brilliant job at the puzzle, LJ’s team wins the Outback Steakhouse reward. Yet another reward making me instantly hungry. That steak though!! When Spencer finally decides to use his napkin, out falls a note. YES!!! There’s hope for our favourite nerd.


Post Outback Steakhouse, and Spencer is quickly on his feet to find that immunity idol. Noticing his weird timing to “take a walk”, Ninja A.K.A Woo, follows him. He finds Spencer digging through a side of a wall, obviously looking for an idol. Spencer somehow forgets about his clue unattended at the bank of the river, so Woo picks it up and bolts. Woo rallies his alliance to help him find it, and Spencer has no other option but to rally his mates as well. Thus, the #madtreasurehunt begins. Even Morgan is in this, which according to Tony is a big deal because “you can’t even tell if she’s a pillow or a person.” Massive LOL moment. After distracting Kass, Spencer (thank goodness) finds the idol.



The immunity looks awesome. They have to be on their tippy toes while balancing a wooden block on their heads. Woo is definitely going to win right? Those martial arts training have obviously helped him in Survivor. However, moments later Woo surprisingly drops the wooden block and he’s out. It comes down to Tasha, who is a ROCK, and Spencer. In a shocking upset, Spencer wins immunity!


Spencer is safe for tonight after winning the immunity challenge, plus he has an idol in his pocket. But, he still needs to do whatever he can to save his numbers. He goes to Kass and pitches the idea to blindside Tony. Kass is open to suggestion, but she’s still bitter about Spencer lashing her after last tribal council, and she hates Morgan.


At tribal council Morgan is under fire by Jeff saying she is used to having her way back home. Let’s not forget that awesome one-liner “if any person in the world could choose to be ugly or cute, most would pick cute.” Oh Morgan, entertaining for sure.

Now we get to voting.

With a vote of 6-4, Morgan is out. Bummer. I’m going to miss her awesome confessionals, and… other things…. But at least she’s in the jury!